Oliver C. Gorton

Postdoctoral researcher at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Nuclear Data and Theory Group // Nuclear and Chemical Science Division

Google Scholar
ORC ID: 0000-0003-3643-9640

Research interests

Theoretical and computational methods of nuclear physics: my work follows the needs of nuclear astrophysics and nuclear technology, two fields which probe the limits of our understanding of matter in neutron-rich environments.

Nuclear structure and reactions: beta-delayed neutron emission, integration of nuclear shell-model and Hauser-Feshbach reaction theory.

Applications in related fields: the search for dark matter, nuclear data and evaluations, uncertainty quantification, machine learning, high-performance computing.

Research experience

Journal papers

Conference proceedings


Awards and support


Languages: Modern Fortran, Python (numpy, scipy, MPI4py, multiprocessing, emcee), Bash, C++
Technologies: Experienced: MPI, openMP, git; Novice: CUDA, RAJA
Machines: Borax, Quartz in LC, LLNL facility

Primary developer of:

Contributed talks


Training and schools
